Beautiful pics of Claudia Wells and Kelly Nash feet & legs

Claudia Wells is an American actress who was born in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia but grew up in San Francisco CA. Wells became famous for playing Jennifer Parker Marty McFly in the movie Back to the Future, released in 1985. Wells was on Stop the Madness in 1985 which was a drug-related music video that was produced in the Reagan administration. The film featured a number of prominent actors, well-known singers and athletes. In the following year, Wells was a guest in the film Babies Having Babies. And she was the star of the short-lived television series Fast Times. It is an adaptation of the cult 1982 film Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Claudia, despite her career moving along a smooth path to success in entertainment, took a short break when she learned her mother was suffering from cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia currently holds more than 50 credits in film, TV, and theater. Her true career as an actress is yet to be discovered. Claudia looks for roles that are gritty but also push the boundaries. Claudia Wells runs her own luxury clothing store for males, Armani Wells. Visit her website to learn more.

Kelly Nash works as a reporter and sportscaster for the MLB Networks. Kelly Nash is a popular American sports reporter and broadcaster. Her current work includes MLB networks as well NHL. Kelly was born and raised throughout South Carolina. She graduated from Clemson University in the year 2000 with the degree of bachelor's and went on to earn an advanced master's degree in broadcasting journalism from the University of Miami. Kelly loved the television and found it glamorous. In her earliest years, she dreamed to become an editor for one of the networks. She joined ACC Digital Network immediately after completing her education as a Production Assistant and Intern. After her initial training and experience, she was employed by Fox Sports Florida before moving to Fox Sports Sun. It was worth the effort and she eventually rose to become a reporter at MLB Network. It is America's biggest sports news network. Her current position is for the network as a co-host for 'The RUNDOWN', a popular show aired on the network. The social media pages she has created enable her to keep connected with a lot of her followers.

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